Gustave Payne Fey-touched, Secretive, Gullible. Age 17 at start of campaign. Gustave was taken as a baby by the faeries. They left in his place a thing of sticks and leaves. Whether his parents raised that as their own or kicked it out is a mystery. As is quite how long Gustave was actually in the lands beyond the hills. Still, it felt like a long time - and the fey enjoyed gustave acting as a small child and then a boy should act. Teaching him all the things he ought to know - singing and dancing, mostly. They made him to grow into the striking young man he did - but he cannot help but think that they took something from him too. He's different from others, but in that glamourous way that some find so attractive. So when they let him leave, secure in the knowledge that he would come back to the only world he knew - he surprised them by staying away. He was lucky, finding a group of people who didn't seem to mind that he didn't understand a word of their (or any other human) language. And so he has managed to stay away. And though he proved not to have the gift, the magi awoke some small abilities within him. And now the faeries have begun to get bored with the surprise. And they are pestering him. Meanwhile, he is plotting his revenge upon those who treated him badly whilst he was there. Primarily the jester of the bright court, who he thinks held an especial talent for organising pranks for him to fall for. He's been out of the hands of the fey for about four years now. Of course... he's also something of a liar. He says this is because there are truths he doesn't dare ever tell and can't have believed. Per +1 (Keen) Int +2 (Sharp) Sta -2 (Pampered) Str -1 (Soft) Pre +2 (Striking) Com +2 (Lyrical) Qui 0 Dex +1 (Trained) Companion status: Generic magic wibbly stuff +1 Faerie upbringing +1 (No, really?) Venus' Blessing +1 (Unearthly) Charmed Life +3 Purifying touch - limps +2 Hex +2 Poor memory -1 (When things change rapidly, you mostly don't learn to cherish remembering things) Oversensitive (to jokes, especially practical jokes) -1 Social Handicap -1 (What is this concept you call 'fun'? Is it anything like fun?) Cursed to never reveal a secret -2 (Doing so causes to hex both himself and the listener - this is the justification for the low faerie lore score) Hatred (Jester of the coutrt of summer) -1 Faerie Emnity -1 Offensive to Animals -1 (Having ridden unicorns, no mortal beast will accept his touch) Lame -2 (The combination of mortal ponies, no understanding of the mortal world and having told someone where he learned to ride. Shortly after he entered it. He's a bit more careful now, with an understanding of the concept of pain.) Faerie Lore 4 (He knows more, but he can never tell) Speak Latin 1 (Learnt in this world) Speak *something* 3 (Learnt in another) Athletics 1 (Children should run around.) Awareness 1 (Children should play hide and seek) Guile 1 (Children learn how to avoid some games, or children don't last very long...) Hex 3 (May you be lamed by your foulest pony...) Brawling 1 (Learned in this world) Dancing 1 (Learned in the other) Sing 3 (Some unearthly stuff that's made it over regardless - but a lot of nursery rhymes with a cadence no-one expects) Ride 1 (He used to be better, he insists - but somehow ponies just don't like him. Nor do dogs. Or birds. Or anything else that he claims he could once ride.)