Despite the mock auction, Psyche still went for a silly amount of points (75). The other attributes were a little more sensible, and the end result was two players holding the top rank in two attributes each, with the other three wondering what went wrong.
Player generation is now complete, and we're ready to start playing for real.


Some higlights from the character background sessions :-

Faustus had to roleplay passing the final exam for his college of magic on his home shadow.
It was a reasonable success - the dragon he summoned did arrive, but he had a few problems keeping control of it. He still managed to pass the exam, but his luck seems to have taken a turn for the worse for some reason.

Haplo had an interesting experience at his coming-of-age ceremony.
He was stuck on a floating rock, 10 feet wide, miles up in the air, with 3 other people (For any of you familiar with the deathgate cycle, this is based on Arianus). And he had to get down.
Despite some extremely cunning ideas, based on filling the sky with rocks and just walking down (!), he was stuck for quite a while. Eventually a passing bird seemed to solve the problem, but it was never quite decided what happened next...

Frederick had a much more successful time of it.
Despite being a royal prince of Amber, he still gets along well with most people at the palace - except his tutors, when he misses the a formal dinner to play football with his friends. His father, Bleys, was also pleased with him when he successfully walked the pattern, and despite the difficulty he managed it with consumate ease.

VolkaZZ also had a hard time in his creation.
In his case it was keeping hordes of hungry wolves from attacking the sheep in winter. Taking several, choice, weapons with him, he rode out on his best horse (whatever he may have said later) to rid the kingdom of the wolves. A moderately successful encounter at first, it rapidly degenerated when he realised that wolves are actually pretty basic in their thought patterns. He had a hard time convincing them of his intentions, and almost became the appetiser for the main course of lamb. Eventually the problem was solved, without killing all the wolves (much to the other players' disappointment).

Finally, nothing much happened to Danville
he obviously lives in such a safe world, nothing interesting happened to him when he was younger. He's in for a shock in Amber, perhaps...