Ed. Andrew/Haplo is responsible for maintaining this log.
That means you call him about it, not me.

The session began with a discussion among the players on what to do about the red line emanating from the abyss and destroying shadows.


It was decided that Faustus, Ralthus, VolkaZZ and Haplo should follow the line in an attempt to find out what was on the other opposite end of it to the abyss. Danville, Frederick and Ulrich decided to try and get back to the shadow that Frederick was in previously to try and find clues.

Haplo and company eventually moved along the line and made a surprising discovery - a tree lay on it, with the line goin straight through it - though there were three lines going into it - this imlpied to the payers perhaps the line was being split into two.

The other group made an even more entertaining discovery - they found a red dragon sitting on the line asleep. Frederick, showing his usual sense of tact and diplomacy, decided to converse with the dragon and gain information from it. Unfortunately banging it repeatedly with his sword may not have been the nicest way to wake it up. Danville and Ulrich, not surprisingly were hanging back at this point - they could just about see Frederick on the horizon.

Rather unfortunately for Frederick, however, he did not get a chance to react to the dragon waking up - he recieved a trump contact from Faustus. While concentrating on this, the dragon was busy waking up and going through all those tedious morning rituals - attempting to dismember all nearby living creatures, burn the surrounding area to a crisp for no apparent reason, that sort of thing.

By this time Danville and Ulrich, with customary bravery (and it has to be said a great deal of common sense), beat a tactical withdrawl - to several miles away. When Frederick finally accepted the call, therefore he reslised he was single-handedly facing a very large and "moderately annoyed" red dragon. He refused being pulled through the trump contact, however, but may have regretted it when the dragon attmpted the aformentioned dismemberment by biting him into two (or very possible more more) pieces. Frederick attempted to knock the beasts teeth out, but unfortunately the end result was simply a shattered weapon (I want to know what toothpaste that beast uses).

At this point Frederick did decide to get pulled through and jumped into the contact - well, he would have done if Faustus had been quick enough to open it, but unfortunately Frederick simply jumped and was now in the same place, but much darker and somehow a little more ominous. There were strange jagged objects around one half of the room he was in, and the floor was looking suspiciously tongue-like. Acting on instinct he plunged his sword into the dragon's tongue - it may not have had much physical effect, but the dragon was understandably annoyed at this and Frederick was immediately spat out - by this time the dragon had obviously decided that roast human might be in order after all, and Frederick finally managed to get Faustus to pull him through about 3 seconds before the area of ground he had been on became just a little more barren.

The group then met up again at the tree on the line. Several experiments revealed the tree itself did not appear to destroy objects like the line, but nobody wanted to get too close. It was then that Frederick came up with the idea of hacking at the tree - without actually asking anybody first. VolkaZZ, Ralthus, Faustus and Haplo immediately decided this was not a good place to be right now, and all immediately left in seperate directions.

The others stayed to observe Frederick's sword be destroyed by the tree, and the line being to pulse in that way that implied imminent destruction of the shadow - they too then left, rapidly but in a somewhat more ordered fashion.

After this the players were split. Ralthus met up again with Danville, Ulrich and Frederick, and the eventually the party decided over trump conference that Haplo, Faustus and Ralthus would go to Chaos to see if the chaos lords had any information. Ralthus hid himself in a shadow while Faustus and Haplo arrived and met Atathon. A meeting was arranged with Bariman, but this was singularly unsuccessful and simply resulted in Bariman going away with more information than when he came. Mental note - Bariman is NOT a likely source of information. Atathon was a little distrssed by this, and in exasperation offered the party his help in finding information.

Frederick decided he wanted to "talk" to the dragon some more - but funnily enough nobody really wated to accompany him, so he left alone for the shadow. The rest of the party (Danville, VolkaZZ and Ulrich) followed the third line from the tree and found it lead into a 1920's Earth-like shadow, and carried on into the future. At this point they decided to rejoined Faustus and Haplo to check on their progress.

What really happened to Frederick remains a matter for debate, but it resulted in the dragon being killed (though we gather there were some very tense moments) and Frederick returning to Haplo and Faustus, as Atathon came back to see them again. Atathon advised them that it might be a good idea to check out Fiona's present location and condition, and also invesigate the line-resistant objects (eg: the tree).

At this point Ulrich and company arrived, and the three left to investigate the line. Dropping a real object into the line was thought of, and Haplo made a sketch of a shadow in the hope that a trump would count as a real shadow. Dropping this into the line had the effect of turning it form a normal line into a wavey line - but not a pulsing line much to the players relief. Faustus then decided dropping a real sword into the line, to try and amplify the effect. All the players then decided to leave the immidiate area as they didn't like what was going on, and thus only Ulrich, Faustus and Haplo remained.

Unfortunately due to the party split, the series of events that followed cannot be put into this log. They will (probably) be included at the start of the next sessions's log.