end of the last session saw all the players (and N'taye) fleeing from the
shadow where they had just won (depending on your point of view) a large fight.
Despite the removal of most of the opposing forces from the shadow, the players
thought it was wise to vacate the area as quickly as possible give the fact
that some unknown swirling black cloud (which incidentally seems to destroy all
unprotected matter on contact) was about to encounter the line (which also
destroys all unprotected matter on contact). Haplo ended up at Castle Amber,
along with Volkazz who was already there. Ulrich, Faustus and N'taye moved to
an adjacent and (presumably) safe shadow. Ralthus left by his own means for an
unknown location, and the locations of Danville and Frederick were also both
questioned N'taye about what she had been doing with the circle, but she
seemed somewhat reluctant to reply. She did admit she had been attempting to
take control of the line using a method she had observed someone else using,
and also commented that the party must have been fairly close to something
important as a fairly major power stepped in to try and stop them.
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as to Frederick's location, Faustus succeeded in gaining a trump
contact with him, but Frederick was singularly unhelpful, simply repeating
"I'm doing something useful - I want to stay here! No you can't come!"
In the end, Faustus broke off the contact as it appeared Frederick was not
going to be convinced. N'taye also admitted that she had discovered another
circle, and thought it would be a good idea to repeat the exercise - but this
time the party would be ready and expect heavy resistance.
the trio discussed this, N'taye's eyes glazed over for a few moments,
implying she was recieving a trump contact. She did not volunteer any details
when she broke off, however, and the players did not ask. Then Faustus also
recieved a trump contact, and accepted it - and something started eating his
brain. Understandably somewhat disappointed with this course of events, Faustus
attempted to resist the contact - and started to fade out of existence, only
to reappear in a normal-seeming field, with a severe headache. Also the blue
cows are perhaps worthy of a mention.
a track through the field, Faustus arrived at a farmhouse. Upon
seeing a large dog running at him barking joyfully and wagging it's tail,
Faustus naturally immediately physcically contacted the dog and overpowered
it's mind, forcing it to stop. The farmer then emerged from his home, and
growled at Faustus. Deciding to try and new and daring course of action,
Faustus psychically contacted the farmer, and forced him to flee. Faustus then
contacted Ulrich via trump, and was pulled through back to the other shadow.
this point Faustus and Ulrich recieved a nasty surprise as Atathon appeared
in front of them and informed them that Ralthus was 'otherwise indisposed'
and would be unable help the paty from that point on. After questioning he
admitted that Ralthus was probably dead by this time, by Suhuy's hand.
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this peaceful interlude, Frederick suddenly burst in on the shadow
on a horse so exhausted it collapsed as soon as he arrived. He then
announced that the red line had arrived at Amber, where Julian was blocking it
mentally. He then noticed N'taye and introduced himself with the immortal words
"I hope you don't listen to the others too much. They describe me as if I'm
some psychotic killing machine, but inside I'm all soft". Given the requests
for neutrality earlier, Haplo declines to comment (no matter how much he might
want to). Also Haplo recieved a trump contact and after saying words to the
effect of "Ok then" disappeared.
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the party pondered this Volkazz suddenly felt something grab his leg
and begin to pull him into the ground. Frederick and Ulrich both grabbed
Volkazz, and Danville probes the area below the ground psychically - and
promptly disappeared. Volkazz, meanwhile, suddenly changed form into a large
beast, which disloged Ulrich and Frederick, and before he could react Volkazz
was pulled below.
after this Haplo reappeared, and Ulrich tersely explained what had
happened. Then Haplo felt something grab his leg and pull him down like
Volkazz, but by concentrating managed to halt his descent and managed to pull
himself free. At this point Frederick took it into his head to kick Fasutus,
for reasons unknown to this author, and both parties recived a nasty
surprise - in Frederick's case it was a sore foot, and in Fasutus's it was
no foot - or rather a twisted metal foot that was now lying on the floor.
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For the sake of the log, the side of the line which the new arrivals (Haplo, Ulrich and Faustus) were on shall be the LEFT and the other side the RIGHT. Also there was a glowing gate on each side of the line.
the other side of the line, a demon which appeared to be slightly tougher
than the rest of them moved in to attack Atathon, who grabbed the demon and
started to send tendrils of logrus towards him. Danville also lent mental
support to Atathon in his attack, and Volkazz attacked the demon while he was
distracted. Volkazz managed to wound the demon, and simultaneiously Atathon's
mental attack struck him, and he ended up in a heap in the floor - not before
he'd managed to stick his sword into Volkazz however.
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despite being wounded, was continuing to attack the normal demons.
Frederick, seeing Ulrich's apparent success with the other gate tried throwing
a dagger into the gate close to him. A moment later a demon walked out of it -
a dagger sticking out of his chest, and a rather annoying expression on his
face. N'taye was keeping well out of the combat at this point.
on seeing the state of affairs, decided discretion was the better
part of valour and shadow walked away, but not before a demon had managed to
hit him. As a doubly nasty surprise, the demon also began to shadow walk
after Faustus. Over on the right side of the line, Danville attempted to help
Volkazz by grabbing the demon that was attacking him. Unfortunately, the demon
responded by grabbing Danville and bodily throwing him away, just as another
demon moved up to attack Volkazz.
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as Volkazz defended himself against the two demons, Danville
gained psychic contact and fried the brains of one of them. Frederick was also
having considerable success as he spitted the demon he was fighting on his
sword, and looked around for new opponents. Seeing the demon on the circle,
he immediately ran towards the circle, as were N'taye and Ulrich. All had
certain problems entering, as there seemed to be some force shield protecting
it. Unfortunately Frederick succumbed to a mental attack from the demon
within the circle, and was forced to try and stop Ulrich from attacking - but
to no avail, as Ulrich buried his sword deep within the winged beast.
who had busily been chanting on the edge of the circle, looked pleased
for an instant, then was forcibly thrown backwards out of the circle. By this
time Haplo had moved around and was now reflecting the line back on itself,
but instead of doubling back it was circling in on itself again and again
forming an ever tightening spiral. This of course meant that the line was
effectively being blocked from leaving the shadow, which was possibly having
some far reaching effects.
moved forward to help N'taye to her feet, as Atathon dashed into the
circle and began frantically chanting - causing the face that was slowly
appearing in the circle to begin to look a little less happy. Events seemed
to be reaching an ominous climax at this point, and all the players decided
it was time to leave - and left, apart from Haplo (still maintaining his
concentration) Atathon and Danville. The image then disappeared, and Atathon
and Danville both left, leaving Haplo alone. Finally Haplo was also transported
via a trump (of unknown origin) and ended up in his home shadow.
summary, at least one of the lines has been destroyed, probably partially
due to it's redirection in the above combat. Also several demons and various
other creatures, of possibly important origin were destroyed, but since we
have no idea who they might be I'll skip over that. The next session is
private backgrounds and personal advancement.