At the end of session nine; a large battle had been fought, the culmination of which may have been the cause of the Red-lines dissapearence.
It now only appears to run in the segment between the tree, and the place where shifting shadow became more difficult.


During this session, most of the characters decided that they had solved the problem, at least temporarily, and the session was devoted to personal goals (once the game mechanics of advancement were finished)

Oddly enough, Haplo isn't sure what happened, and isn't going to say what he did, so I (Adam, GM and Web Editor) am filling this log entry with a few things that are publicly known.

Tristan (Atathon)
Managed to talk, individually, with several of the other PC's, without others present.
Guesses as to what he is planning welcomed.
He also went off with VolkaZZ, near the end of the session; for purposes of his own. (Presumably)
James (VolkaZZ)
Got very little time this session, but made up for it later; when everybody had gone.
He may well wish to tell people something of what happened...
Haplo (Andrew)
Urm, actually, I can't remember _WHAT_ Haplo did this session. Suffice to say he was so secretive about his actions that he tok the precaution of mind-wiping the GM.
Lee (Ulrich)
Has left the campaign now, pleading too much work, and setting up a society. We shall miss him.
His character is still in existence, and is takig some personal time.
How can I put this, with N'Taye
Danville (Laurent)
He is indeed a simple man. And has been keeping nice and quiet; though he did try to gt some information out of Atathon and was rebuked.
Tristan: I know what you are going to say when you read the above sentence, and I know. OK?
Faustus (Anton)
What was he doing then? Hmmm? Any-one know? Cause if you don't, I aint going to tll you...
Frederick (Fred)
Among other things he did, he went out and got himself a nice shiny new sword. Coming attractions next session - Fred finds something to kill...

Hope I didn't miss anything important. Haplo's campaign contribution this week will be something else. I'll think of something...