At the start of the session, Faustus was in a shadow alone with Daville. He recieved and accepted a trump contact - and promptly had his brain under the control of the caller, who forced him to attack Danville. Following this Danville and Faustus had a little 'discussion' and Danville persuaded Faustus that is was a bad idea to accept every single trumpt contact he got. This is perhaps the most monumentous event this log will contain this session.


Frederick attempted to walk to the shadow containing the tree. As he walked, however he noticed the scenery was subtley different to that observed on previous visits. Where before it had been fields and rolling hills, now it was rocky, mountainous, craggy and almost prehistoric. The temperature rose, and the birds circling in the sky became more... reptilian.

Soon after this, Frederick reached a barrier which he could not cross - he attempted to push his way through it, and while he was occupied with this he noticed a large scaley reptilian creature flying towards him in an almost draconian manner - the large flames sprouting from it's mouth could only enhance this impression.

Deciding that pushing through the barrier was not going to work, Frederick evaded the creature and started to climb over it up the rocky crags. Despite realising it was reasonably hazardous, Frederick did something clever and continued on. However, before reaching his destination he accepted a trump contact from Corwin, who invited him to Amber - which Frederick politely refused (for the moment). Then he also took another trump from Haplo, whom he told he was too busy to talk.

At this point, Haplo back in his home shadow had been joined by Atathon, and also by Martin (the new player for all the players reading this) who were introducing themselves. After discussing plans for a few minutes, Atathon started concentrating. Haplo, at Martin's request, accompanied him moving off through shadow, but before they reached their destination Martin took a trump contact and was pulled through, leaving Haplo to wander back to his own shadow to find Atathon had also disappeared.

While this was going on, most of the other characters were engaged in private activities. Danville was alone, searching for a certain shadow. Frederick had accepted Corwin's invitation to go to Amber, and was later joined by Haplo. They were then also joined by Faustus and Danville.

Atathon appeared near Martin, who was walking toward
Ed. The tree I think, at least near there is where he ended up.
Atathon talked with Martin for a time, and they continued walking. The scenery got more and more dangerous, and Martin, presumeably suspecting Atathon of beng about to try something, pulled his sword on him.
Atathon ran.

Volkazz had found Danville by now and started following him through shadow, and the two eventually met. The two started walking towards the prehistoric shadow and the ground started to get more dangerous. Martin, ahead of Danville and Volkazz had also reached the difficult terrain, and both groups slowed down to cope with it. Eventually Martin encountered the same wall of force that Frederick found earlier.

Danville stopped to cast a spell at this point, and Volkazz disappeared off into shadow. Then Danville continued - but hovering several feet above the terrain, and finding it much easier as a result.

Back in the prehistoric shadow Martin had noticed a large reptilian creature, again definately looking very draconian, flying towards him. He pulled a friend in thought a trump contact to assist him, and at this point Danville flew into the shadow.

The dragon went to grab Danville from the air, but Martin's friend distracted it and allowed Danville to cast a spell to attack the dragon. This resulted in a most impressive explosion of electrical energy, which left the dragon in several smoking pieces and everyone else suitably impressed. He then flew down, bowed slightly and introduced himself : "My name is Danville - I'm just a simple man.

Martin's friend introduced himself as Dalt, and the characters spent several minutes discussing the situation. Danville then told the others to stand back as he tried to get past the barrier. Rather anticlimactically, Danville's spell only managed to achieve precisely nothing except causing him to fall unconcious.