The end of the last session saw Danville, Martin and Dalt (Martin's comrade) in the prehistoric shadow where a barrier impeded their progress. Danville had just attempted a spell to bypass this barrier, which only resulted in him falling unconcious - not quite the anticipated result. Still, undismayed and resolute the players prepare to bring their not inconsiderable intellects to bear on the problem once more...

NB - Any rumours that the GM temporarily lost his sanity for a short period after hearing of Frederick's plans at the start of the session are completely false and blown out of all proportion. Probably.


After his failure to breach the barrier previously, Danville tried again and sat on the ground concentrating. Martin also engaged in a similar activity, though no effects were immediately apparent. Then the players hit on the idea of combining their powers to try and break through, but while they were discussing exactly how to do this Dalt motioned them to silence and indicated that someone was approaching. Martin stealthily moved towards them while Dalt and Danville took cover.

As the figure got closer Martin got a good look at him - fairly tallish, wearing robes and carrying a staff. Blissfully unaware of what lay ahead the stranger was completely taken by surprise as Martin grabbed him forcing his hands behind his back. It was at this point that Danville shouted "Don't kill him I know him!" for he had recognised the "stranger" as Faustus.

Faustus, rather indignant, exploded with "Why do you want to kill me??" to which Danville replied, with a slightly bitter undertone "It's not his fault, he was probably controlled by an evil force.."

After recovering from this misunderstanding (of course that's what is was...) the party moved back to the barrier and Faustus and Danville tried to combine their abilities to break through. Nothing still conspicuously continued to happen, and it was then that Haplo contacted Danville via trump. Also at this point, Danville and Faustus noticed a party of demons heading towards them, which made them suddenly yearn for Haplo's company once more. After Haplo had pulled them through the trump, Volkazz also appeared with them.

Back in the prehistoric shadow things were starting to hot up, as more demons appeared. Fortunately help arrived in the form of Frederick, Corwin and Bleys. These as well as Martin and Dalt drew themselves into a circle as the demons and other humanoid creatures closed in on all sides.

Bleys suggested it might be a good idea to converse with the creatures first, possibly in view of Frederick's obvious willingness for a more emphatic form of communication. At this point Frederick recieved a trump contact which he refused, but which did not stop calling.

A spokesman for the demons stepped forward and said "Hello.. I don't think we have met, but I know your faces." Frederick at this point recieved another trump contact. However much I would like to, I refuse to comment on the possibility of there being some kind of significance to this series of contacts at this critical moment of tense diplomatic negotiation. Oh darn, it just slipped out.

The demon spokesman continued "I am Math'Cradenr'Al'hendrake. Why are you looking around in this shadow?" To which Martin responded "It is none of your business... Why are you here? Who are you working for?" The response was "I work for nobody - I am currently helping a friend who is in a position where he does not want to be disturbed. After you arrived I thought I had better make myself known."

Bleys commenced concentrating, while Martin continued the discussion "Has it got anything to do with that force field?" To which the spokesman only reiterated "I am merely helping a friend - his business is not yours." Martin then asked "How do you expect this to end without bloodshed?" and the creature responded "It would be preferable if you were to leave now..." followed closely by Corwin's condsending "I don't think so..."

The players noticed that their opponents did not seem as worried as they might be, implying that they may have comrades close by. Frederick decided to take a more confrontational stance "I don't think we're going to reach an agreement..." At this point the spokesman moved aside slightly, and the creatures parted as if to allow the characters to leave - Dalt took this opportunity, but the rest of the players remained.

There followed, rather predictably, a large combat. For the most part the players were doing fairly well, and it may be worth noting that the creatures seemed to burst into flames every time Frederick's sword scored a hit (in case you hadn't already guessed). Corwin seemed to have selected a particularly nasty opponent - when Frederick attempted to help, he found himself struck in the throat and flung back some distance, and could only watch as the opponent cooly moved back into position in time to block Corwin's opportunistic blow. Frederick, after picking himself up, moved in again, but this time acting much more defensively.

The creature then started to grow, and broke off from combat and starting running towards Martin and Dalt - as it passed Corwin managed to wound it with his sword, and the thing burst into flames, then promptly disappearing.

After this the fight was pretty much won by the players. In the aftermath, however, it was noticed that Bleys had gone, and Corwin suggested following.

Meanwhile, Haplo, Danville, Faustus and Volkazz had teleported via Danville's spell to the same shadow, some way off from the others, and had encountered two draconian creatures, and a stranger standing in a glowing circle. Upon sighting the players, one of the draconians asked "Who are you?" to which Faustus responded "I am a prince of Amber.." The creature then asked what the players were doing in the shadow, to which Faustus gave the reply "Where are we?"

The chronicler would just like to take this opportunity to state that he just reports what happens - don't ask him to explain it.

The creature informed the players that they were close to where they should not be, and when questioned gave the name of his master, whose name was nigh unpronounceable.
Matters rapidly degenerated, and one of the creatures started to advance. While Volkazz intercepted it and blocked it's attack on Danville, Haplo concentrated and a red glowing gate appeared in front of him. Faustus, upon kicking the gate vanished, and Haplo also stepped into the gate, after which it closed. After several moments the pair appeared next to the stranger in the circle amidst a crackle of energy. Haplo immediately jumped back slightly and began to concentrate again and Faustus scrambled out of the way too.

Back with the other pair, Volkazz was managing to block most of the Draconian's attacks, but as Danville started chanting he was swept off his feet by a stray blow. He managed to maintain his concentration however, and soon the air was filled with crackling flames as pillars of fire rose up from the ground to envelop the targets of the spell. Unfortunately, due to the blow Danville had recieved the targets turned out to be Haplo, Faustus, Volkazz and Danville himself. Faustus managed to suppress the effects on himself, but the others looked to be in real trouble until the flames seemed to die down of their own accord, leaving the players with nothing but singed boots (a fact which still seemed to irritate Volkazz somewhat for some reason).

also at this point something appeared to happen around the figure on the circle and suddenly the air was filled with small blue triangles around him - he paniced. Immedaietly after this Frederick, Corwin, Martin and Dalt came running over in time to see the stranger make a swipe at Volkazz, and another draconian approaching Faustus. A short skirmish then followed in which one of the demons was thrown against the force field and disappeared in flash of light.

Then, suddenly and without warning, eveything that had been opposing the party vanished without trace. This is where the session ended, with the players pondering what to do next.