The previous session ended with all the players (except Atathon) in the shadow with a force field barring their progress. They had already disposed of the creatures guarding the barrier, and were thinking about how to breach it.


As the session started, Frederic asked Corwin how they were going to get across the barrier. With his customary degree of civility Corwin promptly told him to shut up, and started to exmaine the barrier. Haplo experimented with objects lying around nearby, and came to the conclusion the barrier was destroying all matter that entered it (or at least appearing to).

During this time Danville memorised a spell, and Frederick went demon hunting. Finally catching up with one of the fleeing demons, he punched it in the stomach - and nearly turned it inside out. Deciding that it might be a good idea to question one he then found another, knocked it out and dragged it back to the others. After waking the demon, Faustus began to poke around in its head and found that its leader was one of the large monsters in the previous fight (see last session).

Martin and Frederick then decided to try a more direct method of entry, and used an improvised battering ram to try and smash down the field. They improvised this using a few simple items that happened to be lying around in the local area - half-concious demons for example. The results were somewhat impressive and left the pair lying against the rocks some distance away. The fate of the demon is unknown, but by the looks of things it's probably best it stays that way.

After a while Corwin motioned for the others to back off, which everyone complied with, and attempted something... Suddenly huge cascades of sparks and flamse spectacularly failed to happen, and indeed Corwin was left looking a little silly (you needn't tell him I said that) and disappeared shortly after.

It was then decided to walk along the barrier, so Martin and Frederick went one way while Faustus and Volkazz went the other. Danville and Haplo stayed behind to work on ideas of their own.

After some way Volkazz and Faustus saw Bleys standing next to the barrier striking it, but not getting anywhere fast. He explained he could still not get through the barrier, and it had been completely unresponsive to everything he'd tried so far. At this point Haplo arrived, having followed them round the barrier, and some time after that Frederick and Martin turned up, showing that the barrier was round.

Faustus then recieved a trump contact from Flora, who invited him to join a diplomatic meeting with Chaos dignitaries. Volkazz had started concentrating and looking at the barrier at this point, but he suddenly recoiled having seen a painful bright flash with whatever power he was using.

Faustus then invited the party to join him at the diplomatic meeting, and attempted to step through a trump into Amber - without any success. On trying a similar thing Haplo managed to get through however, pulling the rest of the party with him

Upon arrival, Danville asked Flora whether Fiona had been around lately, to which she replied that Fiona had not been heard from since "recent events". Seeing the party, Flora asked why there were mainly shadow dwellers representing Amber in a diplomatic meeting. Danville tried to explain that they would be able to help, but Flora replied that they had not had much luck last time. To this Danville said "But Frederick was with us last time.."

Several action-packed seconds later Danville was being held outside the window by a rather irate Flora, and Faustus quickly trumped Frederick, who finally relented and agreed to come to Amber. Flora, upon seeing Frederick, was about to hand Danville over and let Frederick handle it when Danville warned her not to "do something she'd regret later."


As the Amber guards were scraping Danville off the courtyard below, Frederick explained he had other things to do and wandered off, while Volkazz and Haplo quietly left for the infirmary.