last session drew to a close with several of the players in Amber, and the
rest out achieving their own goals.
visiting Danville in the infirmary, Volkazz decided to check out the Amber
library for clues concerning recent events. Haplo also accompanied Volkazz,
possibly through lack of anything else to do. After meeting with the master
of the household, the pair gained access to the library, and Volkazz began
searching for the books he wanted. The lack of a decent filing system made this
substantially more difficult than it had first appeared. Then Haplo called
Volkazz over, asking him to watch out for anything strange happening, and he
seemed to be concentrating on something at the far end of the room. Then
suddenly Haplo vanished. With lack of better ideas, Volkazz decided to keep
on looking
There now follows a period where many players were doing their own thing (blatantly including this chronicler of course, though perhaps not of his own devising... Then again perhaps it was... Isn't it frustrating seeing things like that in the log?). Perhaps this can be best summarised in the phrase "time passes..."
a while Atathon got in touch with Haplo with a more direct method than
is usually employed - he appeared right next to Haplo, presumably accompanied
by the mandatory little "floomp" noise. He then proceeded to
inform Haplo of a very worrying series of events...
Another note from the chronicler (aren't you lucky this week...) - this is precisely what I have said above, the series of events as described by Atathon. Further viewpoints may be added to this log after the chronicler has spoken to other player characters...
Ed. I would just like to add that the story told by those others involved
in it is likely to be different, and WILL be detailed here, when
our chronicler is told it.
Currently you only have one persons tale, no matter how accurate.
was with Faustus, close to the barrier discussed in the previous log
entry. At this point, due to a previously agreed arrangement, Frederick trumped
Faustus and said "come and help me.." but did not seem to want Atathon to
accompany him. So Faustus then went through the trump, and Atathon watched
from afar (probably unbeknownst to the other characters).
soon as Faustus arrived, Martin, who was there with Frederick, swung a
sword at his unprotected back. There ensued a short but bloody struggle,
and it's outcome was fairly predictable - Faustus was cruelly slain, with
Martin striking the final blow. At this point someone of great power
intervened, and Atathon broke the contact for fear of discovery.
Atathon explained this, Haplo agreed to accompany him to the site of the
murder. Atathon quickly scanned the area, and saw a demonic figure kneeling
and scratching an image into a rock close to the barrier - in fact he seemed
to be sketching the scene in front of him.
For the players this was in fact Alexander, the new player character.
Haplo and Atathon teleported in, they noticed several demonic corpses lying
around, being fed upon by the dragons circling in the sky above. Over the next
few minutes, both Atathon and Haplo concentrated on various things, though
always leaving one to watch over the stranger who kept on drawing the image,
acknowledging their presence with a grunt.
seemingly taking all the characters by surprise, the barrier vanished
and the familiar green grass meadows which had previously surrounded the tree
became visible momentarily, and then a flash blinded the characters for a few
seconds. When their vision cleared the barrier had reappeared, and now a red
line (Now we're getting into familiar territory) had appeared,
emerging from the barrier and ending at the rock which Alexander had been
sketching on.
this point Haplo expressed a desire to 'examine' the line more closely.
Having witnessed Haplo's 'experiments' with the line before, Atathon decided
that while scientific curiosity was all very well, he was not yet ready to
risk becoming a martyr for the pursuit of knowledge and that leaving the
shadow quickly was definately a good move. Alexander also picked up on this
and left.