last session ended with the players in a shadow of Fiona's during
Frederick's trial, after a recess for lunch. For the major events of the trial
see the last session log. The meal passed in stoney silence until...
the surprise of (presumably) all the players the following events occured
in an order which (as far as the players are concerned) is largely arbitrary :-
Benedict disappeared through a door at the side of the room, and shortly was spotted appearing on the balcony where the other muscians were recoiling in horror at the dead body (but still playing of course). Frederick then stated "what a terrible day for Amber" in the brightly cheerful tone that characterises most of his comments.
Haplo: Sorry Fred but it's true!
Benedict carried the corpse of the assissin down to the floor, Corwin stood
and said "It would seem inappropriate to continue the proceedings - I suggest
we retire for the present."
this the Amberites dispersed - Flora and Julian first, then Merlin and
Gerard, who were closely followed by Atathon and Alexander. Then Random's
corpse was carried off followed by Corwin and Benedict, and Bleys walked off
alone. As Corwin walked out, Frederick asked "Uncle, am I to still consider
myself under arrest?" to which Corwin gave a big smirk, and walked off leaving
little doubt as the the realities of the situation. It was only then that the
players noticed Fiona had left...
spent the next half an hour arguing with the guards as to whether
he was under arrest, in answer to which one of their number was sent off to
clarify the situation. Danville left the room during this time, only to
return with no major events occuring in his absence. Lucky Danville.
Walker watching events with interest, Danville commented about the
sadness of Faustus' death, to which Walker replied with the eloquent "He was
a winging little bastard who tried to attack me the moment we met - he deserved
everything he got."
then tried to enquire about what would happen next, and in reply
Walker merely smiled slightly and said "Oh, someone will probably snuff it
soon..." Frederick, perhaps unwisely, inquired as to the probable identity of
this person, and Walker (predictably enough) said "You if you don't shuttup."
some time had passed, Frederick got his answer - Gerard walked in and
stalked up to him, snarling "I SUPPOSE you are innocent until proven guilty...
But if you give me ANY excuse to think you're guilty..." He left the blatant
threat hanging and stalked off.
Ed. The next events were not precisely logged but suffice to say Frederick went back over his story - with Atathon idly pointing out all the wild inconsitencies in this re-telling... And then when he got bored taking some poor innocent logic and torturing it half to death as usual.
at last bored with proceedings decided to leave, but gave Haplo his
trump in case he needed to be contacted. Then followed more intellectually
stimulating observations by Frederick, followed by the usual snide comments
from Walker :-
Frederick | : | It's obvious he's not an ordinary
musician... |
Walker | : | Give the man a brownie point.
Frederick | : | Well - he made a mistake in the second
movement... |
Walker | : | Yes, He killed the king. |
a while the tense silence was punctured by the sounds of screaming coming
from outside. Alexander dashed out alone to investigate (obviously the rest of
the players were too accustomed to this course of events to bother).
passed - and then the shouted comment "Friends - we may have a
problem..." drifted back from the corridor, closely followed by (presumably
as a rather feeble attempt at explanation) "there's a large THING
in here!"
acting with his usual courage and selflessness (or perhaps his
usual thought and consideration - or lack thereof) charged headlong into the
fray, closely followed by Danville. Danville did not remain outside very long,
however, soon sailing back into the room and landing on one of the guards, who
considerately broke his fall (and presumably several ribs).
gasped out "There's a huge monster in there that hit me - it's much
faster than me!" (I'm sure there's some redundant data there
moments later, a large demon crashed into the room, with
Alexander and Frederick dashing after it, hitting it repeatedly.
Strangely Walker did not seem to be present any more...
started cocentrating for a moment, and a strange shimmering appeared
around the demon - which promptly vanished. Frederick (again using his
impressively fast reactions, and perhaps slightly less rapid thought processes)
grabbed a table and threw it into the shimmer - causing a shower of splinters
that scattered over quite a large radius. Haplo stopped concentrating and the
shimmer disappeared.
trumping Fiona to inform her of events (at which she was suitably
unimpressed) Haplo joined Alexander in searching the house for traces of the
monster. Frederick and Danville went off to search the gardens. Both pairs
then met up at the back of the house, where the demon presumably gained entry
(the shattered door swinging lazily off its hinges was a subtle hint). After
discussion, all the players then left the shadow on their own buisness except
Danville and Haplo.