fter the tiring events of the morning, and after Sir Frederick left Amber really quite quickly, I decided that I needed a rest, and went upstairs to my room to sleep.
awoke to find it about breakfast time the next day, and went down to breakfast in the main hall. Eating breakfast were Bleys, Flora, Gerard, Corwin, Thor, and at the head of the table, Benedict. As we were eating, Julian entered, followed by Random, Bleys and Gerard.
ou could say that things went slightly quiet, the silence broken by the almost audible staring.
enedict arose from his seat and welcomed everyone. Meanwhile, Bleys and Gerard looked surprised. At about this time, Darius and Bryan and someone called Ricardo, who looked astonishingly like Darius (only healthier, if you removed the bandages), walked in for breakfast. Darius and Ricardo went and had a little chat. Bryan and I had a little chat. Thor drew from his pack of trumps the trum of Darius. Darius locked up slightly, as did Ricardo. Flora left the two Gerards talking to each other and came to see Thor for a little chat, which I joined in with after a little time. Some people were looking at the sword I was carrying. It was still glowing slightly.
lora remarked to Thor that events had indeed been remarkable lately, and that someone had indeed adapted quickly to the multiverse. Thor replied that that could really be expected of his mother. Benedict was of course not listening, but ate his breakfast with icy surgical precision. Thor made another remark. Flora looked at him as if he was some kind of insect with many legs and no redeeming features. She mentioned that he might wish to find out about "What happened to Danville".