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Amber Links:

 O An Amber link  O Information about the Amber powers; though a little too structured for me to use.
 O More Amber Links  O Secrets of the Past Returned, The other Cambridge Amber campaign.

Here are my Links:

 O Dilbert  O The BOFH returns
 O Technosphere II  O Mornington Crescent
 O Principia Discordia (When I find it)  O Hyperion
 O Reboot  O Cheat Sheet

Some Cambridge Sites:

 O The world famous trojan room coffee machine!  O On a more serious note, here is the rest of the cambridge university web site.

Here are my Larger Links:

 O Here is an aliens page.  O The 'Ring of Aliens'
 O The ring of chaos. [IMG LINK]  O In case you were wondering where that strange e-mail comes from, most of it has been archived here.
Ben, take note. We have ALL seen what you send before.

Some Home Pages:

 O Anton has a home page which is not related to amber (much) [IMG LINK]  O Brian Boru (Jonathon Amery) is here
 O Suranga is a weird guy I know, he has a home page The Sugs' Net  O And BenT has a page, which I will link to, even though he is in that other place.
 O Motty has a web-page too

Some E-Comic sites:

 O Calvin and Hobbes galery.
 O Bumpus The site has moved, so if you bookmarked it, {Yeah, right(!)} your links will need updating.
 O Dilbert

Lastly, some search methods:

 O This is really neat. If you just want a jumping off point to the rest of the net, this , could take you anywhere at all! Not mine, I'm afraid, its from TPOS, and this is his home-page.
From the same place, it is possible to get to a WWW version of Adventure. Try it!
 O InfoSpace
 O Ultra-seek


For Ultrasmart, type a specific question, phrase, or Name.

 O I also find the personal services offered by My-Yahoo to be useful.

That's your lot, I'm afraid. I know of no other places that are good.
Good-bye, and happy exploring!

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