 / Site Network / freespace.morat.net
MORAT hosting for gaming sites is FREE. If you have a gaming related site that you'd like us to host then click here.
For clans we provide special hosting over at clans.morat.net
Well MORAT provides all the services a growing website will need to setup and become the
best. When you apply for freespace hosting you'll get:
- 10 Megs of webspace at http://clans.morat.net/URLNAME/
- FTP access to your account
- Weekly access reports
- An option to register your own IRC channel on irc.morat.net
- Access to the PHP scripting language for dynamic page creation (http://uk.php.net/)
- Access to the Morat News and Password system, that can be easily added to your website
So what does all this cost you? Nothing - its FREE. To get your website hosted on the MORAT site just click here.
